13 March 2012

Ponderings on the Solar Flares, and Nasa video of Super Solar Storm 2012 (and more to come in 2013 with Andromeda - Doc)

The beautiful Star around which our system revolves went a bit berserk last week.
First the mesmerising Full Moon on Wednesday/Thursday last week opened the portal (emotions)
and then the Sun Flares entered into the atmosphere of our Planet on Friday.
Wires crossed, communication was lost, ties were cut.
Did you feel the effects?
Did you have strong dreams?
Strong physical sensations in your stomach?
If so, you are awake.
On the outer plane, the Earth grid was under threat.
The same 'shock' was felt on the inside, on the plane of the Soul.
Transformation was activated by those who can feel it.
Courage is the result in the hearts of those who let the stirring of their inner Sun enter their Cores.
A New Journey has begun.
Enjoy it!

12 March 2012

Why did I write this book? ( a couple of words from the author)

This novel was born in my attempt to heal from the kind of heartache that was taking forever to wash off. Years after the blow had been dealt, I still found myself torn between the sweetest memories of the start and the tears I cried in the end. These two polar opposites kept playing havoc with my life. I never enjoyed any of the beautiful romantic adventures that kept coming my way while I was interpreting the present through the lenses of that wound. So I decided I wanted to get the whole experience out of my system, and allow it to transform me.

Often situations come to a head and sorrow becomes almost unbearable to provide us with an opportunity for re-invention, for rebirth into a higher, better, stronger version of the persons we were before the experience that hurt us crossed our path. In my case, it took me a long time because the depth of my feelings was unchartered territory, and the pain that I felt when that particular relationship came to an end was really unbearable.

But art can change things, and writing makes you process experiences. You can turn your monster into a kitten, and you reprogram yourself and your heart as a result. So that’s what I spent the past four years doing, churning out all kinds of feelings, images, fragments of memories and situations from my broken heart, in the attempt to make it whole again.

Cassandra’s story is one of struggle for ideals that do not seem to exist on Earth, and acceptance of normality, imperfection, pain and even defeat. She is on a journey, of course. It’s a heart-journey where time is irrelevant. She time-travels to various points of her life experience with Oscar, trying to heal the void that’s come between them. It’s an adventure in consciousness where love is the fuel. It starts off as a quest for the stars which turns into a wrestling match with one’s true identity, and ends up in the welcoming embrace of physical reality in its simplicity and beautiful bareness.

I wrote this book to say goodbye to someone too elusive and ethereal, a cross between an angel and a ghost, who didn’t have the courage to give that relationship proper closure. And that someone was me.


PS: read the opening chapters at http://www.completelynovel.com/books/cassandra-in-the-mirror--2/read-online

10 March 2012


This book is dedicated
to all the wild dreamers and visionaries
who have tried to believe in the impossible,
pushing their minds past the Edge of Heaven
and into the Realms of Shambhala.

Piera Sarasini
Dublin, February 2012

seven nights

For seven nights I fell asleep in your arms and being in love became believable again... a possibility... it only took a drink of your nectar, the life-force that dances within you... there I was, in love all over again, blessed by the Star of Venus.... you only had to skim my cheek with your fingers... and let that look colour your eyes of gold... your intention so obvious, your soul wide-open...

... all the walls of my heart's fortress came tumbling down.... and my feeling was resurrected!

But then you had to go.

How do you always do this to me? Is it rhythm of your breath? The pitch and depth of your voice? The fire in your hips? The distinctive taste of your being? It must be your hands, your grip can capture me for eternity... Every single time...

Or is it the shape of our bodies when we join - our beautifully entwined limbs: complete and yet so hungry... The way we move together: raw and sensual, we truly belong to each other in moments like this - when time stands still and miracles are born under the Moon.

You always open the door to eternity to me. You make me feel immortal, you make my flesh and blood become gold. I can melt in your presence. The ego dissolves. I am back in the Garden of Eden. I: truly yours. You: completely mine.

And we are in LOVE.

All I can say is: I love you. And you say you love me, too. We say it without words. The Silent Language of the Heart. Always and forever. So we forget that I can also hate you, and how you can hurt me, too.

In your arms. In love. I become the little girl, the kitten, the one who writes things that make some cringe and I don't care. Back to the core of me, vulnerable and pure. And what is more, I understand it all, it's ok. You're my bridge across the most secret, holy garden of my heart. You are my little secret angel of surprise...

I couldn't love you anymore than this. Every cell in my body is singing your name. Every atom of me wants to become you. I couldn't love any more than this as a woman. I could love you only a little bit more if only I were the Sun. Because my love for you is the Star of my existence.

Will love endure the test of time, when we die, when we leave this mortal coil? Will our moments of splendour -when our hearts expand and we gaze into each other's eyes and smile the Silent Smile - change the course of our life stories? Who knows?

...do the Stars know?

I am too small, my sweet lover, to carry the memory of such beauty inside my chest.

'This is the life', you said. Sublime mortality. Sometimes. Hearts like stars. Eyes like the ocean.

Is this love too much for a lifetime? What can I do? How can I love you now? How can you love me even more? Can I build a temple to our love and light a candle every night? May the wind kiss your mouth when I'm not there... may it kiss you like I do...





Can you see the full moon from your window tonight?

Think of me just for a second and remember our Star a little while longer...


You know how it ended, how we ended it, cowardly. And the pain you inflicted upon me. We were both too afraid. Circumstances were tough, resources limited. Blah blah blah. You burnt all bridges, didn't give an explanation. You were so cruel and I was so weak. My weakness wasn't all of my making, it was partly inherited from circumstances you knew. I knew the reasons why you could only be cruel. I have missed you all this time. I for one almost died without you. I was devastated. You disappeared so suddenly. You replaced me so quickly. Or did you? You forgot me so easily. But you didn't.

I stayed with it all day, that hurt in my heart. I walked around familiar places. All the memories emerging from every street and every corner. The trees, the flowers, the magpies, the cafes... All these years it has taken me. I was happy and light-hearted then. Naive. Dreaming was easy. I played back our first time. Tears almost surfaced as I observed the process....



I have finally learnt what it was all about, what our "love", our relationship, was all about. I stayed with it for many years. I did not run away from the pain, I took the time it needed. It was a Great Love and the void it left was an abyss. It required all this time. I stayed with it, observed it, I let it bring me down to my knees. Hard, cold, bitter torture, tearing my soul apart. Yet I stayed with it. It made a fool of me, a slave. Not for the sake of drama, as you thought. For the sake of understanding, presence. Love, initially. And forgiveness, eventually.

Not on the surface, at the core... 
Today I went to the place where it all started. I no longer ran away from it. Tired of running away. No distance left to run here. And ...

I finally realised,

truly realised,

what our relationship was all about: it was born to make me conscious, fully conscious, fully alert, of my Self. Again.

So I thank you my sweet darling as I set my Self free. I no longer need to think about this. The end. At last.

All these pieces. Across the world. Fragments of that explosion, that collision, that innocent mistake. Like a broken mirror in which I try to see our faces. But I can only see bits and pieces of my eyes, and they are blind.

Do I really look like that? Is that me or someone else? Is that you?

We were a Comet announcing Revelation. I revealed myself to you, you revealed yourself to me, and bang! I'm in bits, the mirror's cracked and it's time for reconstruction, transformation, walking around town with a lump in my throat because every corner holds the ghost of our love captive, memories are easily activated. The ley-lines are magnetic. Dream-time Ireland. I can hear your laughter in the wind. I can feel my trepidation. The lovers we were....I've become this city of Black Waters. A dream once so beautiful... A vision that I held...

I tell those little pieces to come back home and do it all again. Please, pretty please. But it's hard, they tell me. 


So I don't know where all the fragments of my heart were scattered... I didn't know there were so many...

But I found one today at the site of our last kiss. And I won't use it for you this time. So I've a bit more heart in me - for me - as a result.