Kassandra in Italy
From our abodes in the etheric city of Elysia, we, the
Arkadian Masters, had always kept a close eye on Kassandra’s developments on
Earth. Unbeknown to her, we had been observing her right from the day when she
was conceived. She held the Key to kick-start the evolution of human beings
into an immortal species. Her stellar heart kept the frequency of unchanging,
eternal love. If she could learn to maintain her heart-signature in the face of
adversity first, and eventually in a romantic relationship, the constant drone
emitted from her Blue Flame, which is the Key, would activate the cells of many
humans into evolution. We could detect her frequency easily when she was young
and her mind was pure. Her core signature was perfectly sounded in harmony with
the Universe’s Ancient Tune, which meant that our girl was capable solely of
love, wisdom and bliss.
Indeed, Kassandra’s days on Earth had started
according to the Plan. The incarnation she had chosen was meant to make her
remember her True Identity. She was the Star Woman who was going to act as a
midwife in the rebirth of humanity into its higher self. Her memory was so
accomplished that she could remember this in any place at all times,
consciously or at least subconsciously. To facilitate her progress, we had
opted to give her an easy start in life, although her good luck would often be
challenged by the Dark Forces. And while it was true that she was programmed to
become invincible, that wasn’t necessary the case for the people in her life.
She was born into the aristocratic Morgante family in
Turin, Northern Italy, on a cold February morning in 1968. Her mother, Laura,
was one of the most attractive women that the region had produced in recent
decades. She loved power and status. Her father, Count Lorenzo Morgante, was a
gentle soul with a sensitive temperament, if somewhat weak. Love was all that
mattered to him, despite its impracticalities. Indeed, he had been disowned by
his parents the year before Kassandra’s birth. They didn’t approve of his
choice of a wife. Nevertheless, he had been left with a sizable estate, much to
his calculating wife’s relief.
Snow was falling in Piedmont when Laura gone into
labor. The Star Girl’s parents had made sure that their baby would open her
eyes and lungs to the material world in the best private clinic in the city. A
perfect, fat full moon was hanging in the sky, governing the Life Force tides
that had made Kassandra’s birth coincide with such an ideal space-time
junction. When the time came, the event was broadcast on etheric screens across
the Island of Arkadia.
Kassandra’s human mother had also timed her child’s
conception with great care and according to the esoteric knowledge that she
possessed. She wanted her baby to be born at astrologically relevant
coordinates. She was sure that her offspring was special. Throughout her
pregnancy, Laura’s already sharp psychic abilities had reached previously
unchartered heights. She could channel us, her otherworldly visitors, with
great ease now. We had clearly informed her that the baby she was carrying was
indeed a girl, and a Star Child at that. Laura had immediately thought of
calling her baby Kassandra, in honor of the ancient prophetess who had tried to
help humanity. This time, this Kassandra’s predictions weren’t doomed to be
“My baby, you will be different”, the young woman kept saying. “You’re going to bring more Light into this crazy world”.
“My baby, you will be different”, the young woman kept saying. “You’re going to bring more Light into this crazy world”.
The girl was to be born on Valentine’s day, just like
her mother, who was sure that the spirits had been guiding her every step of
the way. It had always been like that with her. Her life was in the hands of
her superhuman allies. Except that sometimes she wouldn’t get our messages
clearly. More dangerously for the Prophecy, and more often than we had hoped
for, she would also be guided by the Dark Forces and their Dark Lord.
From the moment Laura had met Kassandra’s father at a
skiing holiday in the Aosta Valley in 1964, her heart had been set on marrying
him. He was rich, which was important. But he was also almost as handsome as
the man she believed to be the human embodiment of Lucifer: Mr. Robert Harker,
her guru and the leader of the Circle of the Flame, the secret sect that she
belonged to. Of course, she couldn’t even fathom seducing the leader: they were
kin in the Pact of Light. Lorenzo was the perfect candidate to satisfy her
longings for love and the ways of all flesh. Incidentally, the dashing Mr.
Harker was an old acquaintance of ours, and we also had been keeping an eye on
him for quite some time.
When Laura and Lorenzo met, the Count fell for the
local beauty on the spot, as all men normally did. He started to pursue her
heart relentlessly during that holiday in Courmayeur. He couldn’t get over how
stunning she was, a cross between Sofia Loren and Brigitte Bardot, but with the
elegance of Grace Kelly and the quirky charm of Audrey Hepburn. She made him
think in stereotypes, his mother would say, which wasn’t a good sign in her
opinion. Still, he knew that Laura was a combination of the Goddess Archetypes,
and could have easily won the contest for the most appropriate representative
of the beauty ideal in 1960s Italy.
Laura knew how to use her charms to perfection. Being
a war orphan, she had had to rely on her physical attractiveness from a very
young age to make her stand in the world. By the time she was 21, when she met
Lorenzo, she was already one of the beautiful people of Turin. Her face was
often in magazines, pictured with her arm firmly clasping that of a wealthy
industrialist or a wine producer. Nobility had always attracted her. Why? She
knew that she was no ordinary woman, and that she had an incredible ability to
make things go the way she wanted. She had made a pact with Lucifer, the Light
Carrier - she had given him her soul. In return, she would always get what she
wanted. She was after the best life possible, the most intensively active and alluring
existence available. When she saw Lorenzo, she knew that she had to marry him
and become Countess Morgante. It was a shortcut to more power.
When Lorenzo proposed, the Morgantes refused to
welcome Laura into their family. They couldn’t believe that their son and heir
had opted to tie the knot with a pauper. Rank was all to them. Yet, even
without their blessing, the couple married within a year in a small private
ceremony. It was 1967, the Summer of Love, when Laura, appropriately, became
pregnant. Everything was going exactly as she had intended. The adepts of the
Circle of Light insisted that the child was the Chosen One. What they didn’t
know was the full scope of Kassandra’s Power, and her True Origin. They only
guessed it, if imprecisely.
The geographic location of Kassandra’s birth, Turin,
had also been carefully chosen by our Arkadian Council. Piedmont’s capital was
immediately favored due to the history and mighty energies that characterize
the place, known by esoteric adepts as the City of Magic. It stands on the cusp
between good and evil, indicated by the small obelisk half-hidden by trees in a
square called Piazza Statuto, at the perfect latitude of 45 degrees. Legends
recount that, with Prague and Lyon, Turin is one of the corners of a White Magic
Triangle. But it is also on the corner of a Black Magic Triangle, alongside
London and San Francisco. It is no surprise that one of the most famous
fortunetellers of the past, Nostradamus, had once lived just a few hundred
meters from the square.
Turin’s power stems from the position of the junction
on which it rises, on a magnetic axis among Earthly currents. In Roman times,
the area where the square now is had witnessed the trial and execution of
thousands of criminals, degenerates, and even a few innocent souls. As it lay
outside the original walls of the city on the west side, and there were no
cemeteries, it was also the place where bodies were often dumped outside the
walls in the ancient necropolis.
Today, a Gothic fountain rises in the square, at the
spot where the gallows once stood, near a manhole covering a series of
underground tunnels. The angelic statue at the center may seem innocent enough
for the onlooker who lacks in esoteric notion. It represents a lovely angel
with a five-pointed star on his head and a feathered pen in his right hand. The
angel soars majestically above boulders stacked with several souls, suffering
in torment below. Although the monument was supposedly built to commemorate the
workers who died while digging the Frejus Tunnel in the Alps, we, the
Arkadians, were the true inspiration behind its design. In actual fact, the
monument is an allegory of the difficulty with which humankind tries to conquer
the True Knowledge, represented by the angel with the star, who is a Venusian
like ourselves.
The presence of the star, a symbolic and magical emblem at once, would actually act as a reminder for Kassandra of the purpose of her life on Earth: to make humanity immortal. The fountain is said to hide the “Door to Hell”, and the winged figure on top is seen to be Lucifer, the most beautiful angel who fell to Earth after his rebellion against the Creator. It is an interesting fact that the fountain actually rises on Turin’s contemporary ‘hell’, its sewage system. As symbolized by the statue, every human life does indeed hold the potential to either choose to open the ‘door to hell’ or walk into the Garden of Eden. This depends on the decisions one makes, and how these bring those who make them closer or further away from their True Identity.
Kassandra’s subconscious could use the statue’s symbols at once to remember her True Identity as a Star Woman on Earth, and that the Star Seed in humanity was ready to be born. In its majestic simplicity, the monument encapsulates the Ancient Venusian Prophecy, and indicates that the struggle of humankind could soon be over, once the Star Seed awakens in the human species.
We, the Arkadians, don’t have any concept of good and evil because our minds are unified with the Mind of Creation to smaller or greater extents, according to our Ascension Level and Function in the Goddess Games. Humanity, however, still classifies reality in a dichotomous way by categorizing things by opposites, as belonging to the Light or the Darkness. What humans don’t know, and we do, is that anything that happens in the Darkness is not real: it is an illusion projected by the ego. Only the Light is capable of True Creation, of True Experience. The rest are the irrelevant details of the ego’s lies and constructs. Kassandra’s human incarnation meant that the illusion of mortality and suffering would one day soon be wiped off by the evolution that the Star Seeds were to cause on Earth.
The girl was born to be the Star Woman who would open such a momentous evolutionary dance. She was a Magic Child because she was a Child of Light, a being who is still perfectly aligned with her Identity as a Thought in the Mind of the Source. Arkadia was happy in those early days of her life.
Her childhood was blessed by all the luxuries available to a girl born under affluent circumstances. She was already fluent in French and English as well as her native Italian, like all members of the Morgante family. Her young life was spent between her family’s city apartment in Turin and their country mansion in the Asti region. She had many toys and mates to play with. Her best friend in the city was Letizia, the daughter of her parents’ accountant. And when she was in the countryside, Kassandra would spend most of her time with another aristocratic kid whose parents owned a villa near her parents’. His name was Rufus Hughes, the second child of Lord and Lady Hughes of Sussex, who passed much of their leisure time in the beautiful wine region. Their older daughter, Ruby, was at boarding school in Scotland. While their son was still too young to board, he was tutored at home, just like Kassandra.
Our Star Girl loved her English pal. She thought that one day they would marry, just like her mum and dad. By the time Kassandra was four, dad had to spend a lot of time away from the villa. Mum was often sad and mysterious. And when her parents were together, they often argued over something that she could not quite understand. She didn’t worry about it though. She had other things on her mind. Like showing Rufus and Letizia how to speak to the clouds, or feel the loving energy of a kitten, or listen to the stories that the rain could tell her. Her two friends taught that she was funny, and her imagination was wild and irreverent.
Lord and Lady Hughes had become very close friends of her mother’s. They shared Laura’s passion for metaphysics. And they always treated Kassandra with great affection and gentleness. She could notice how they always changed the way they spoke, and how they made their words sound sweeter, when they addressed her. She didn’t quite understand why, but she liked it. Mum was becoming less affectionate with her, and more troubled every day. So Kassandra welcomed spending more time with her neighbors. She had a feeling that her parents might decide to separate. Mum would hate that for sure. The young girl had heard her say some crazy words to her dad once.
“If you think you can leave me, be very scared, because it’s either life with me ... or death”.
Although Kassandra’s heart knew that her parents’ souls were only playing games, the little girl that she was hoped that they would nonetheless stop.
Darkness Strikes, May 1972
Kassandra was four, and she was quite sure that she
was the happiest girl in the world. She had recently discovered her favorite
past time: reading everything about all forms of life on Earth. She could do
that effortlessly and at great speed, and was always surprised that grown-ups
thought that she was precocious. She was curious, that was all. And she had
invisible friends who had been whispering magical sounds in her ears for as far
as she could remember.
When she was still three, she had told them that she
wanted to learn to read. She had little patience and couldn’t always rely on
the adults’ willingness to share some play-time with her. The ‘invisibles’ had
shown her the symbol for each letter of the alphabet, projecting images in the
air around her. Kassandra had learned them all in one afternoon, and by the
following morning she could already read a story from her favorite comic,
although a bit slowly. But she was a fast learner, and by the time she was
four, not even a year later, she had read her way through many children’s
classics. She understood full well that every fairy-tale dealt with the
obstacles in the human psyche that hamper the evolution of the human brain. At
that young age, however, she couldn’t quite put it into such scientific terms.
She had a gut feeling, that’s all. She was already starting to understand that
human beings are partial and that she was somewhat different. If anything, she
felt and knew that she was a complete, fully evolved and fully functioning
human being. And that she was quite unique.
That afternoon she was in the Hughes’ rose gardens
with Rufus. She was trying to teach her friend how to catch a glimpse of the
spirits who lived in the blooming flowers. The trick involved doing a little
circular dance and then stopping, keeping very still and staring at the roses
in a relaxed manner. The roses, she insisted, wanted to send their guardians,
as they called them, to meet the kids. Rufus couldn’t see anything different.
The roses were still just roses. Perhaps he didn’t know how to relax properly.
Then, all of a sudden, a bolt of jittery energy encircled his body as his mouth
erupted into belly laughter by its own volition. Contact was made with the
fairies, it seemed. He was surprised.
The effect of his encounter with the rose fairies only
lasted for a couple of magical seconds. It was interrupted by the arrival of
his father who looked concerned and even more serious than normal. The kids
turned towards him with puzzled faces. Was he angry at their game? Had they
done something that wasn’t allowed? That couldn’t be the case. They always
thought that Rufus’s dad was as much of a kid as they were. Something else was
the cause of his concern.
He greeted them and then went over to Kassandra,
picked her up in his arms and kissed her forehead. He then gave her a long, sad
look that made her feel that he was very likely hiding something. Then he put
her down and proceeded to ruffle Rufus’s hair.
“Time for tea, children”.
The girl and the boy picked up the dolls and cuddly
toys that were scattered on the lawn, and toddled behind Lord Hughes to the
courtyard, where Lady Hughes had prepared all sorts of afternoon treats for
their stomachs. Kassandra was surprised to see that her mother was no longer
there with her friend. Perhaps she had gone to take a nap, after all that
“Has mummy gone home?”, Kassandra said.
“Your mother had to go to Turin to be with your dad,
pet. You are going to spend the night with us until she comes back”, Lady
Hughes said.
For some reason, Henrietta Hughes couldn’t look the
girl in the eye as she was speaking, and kept staring at her feet. Kassandra
was even more puzzled now. Dad had stormed off at lunchtime, slamming the door
behind him, after another argument with mum. She had heard the sound of his car’s
engine in the courtyard, and the heavy silence his sudden departure had left
behind. She could feel that her mum’s heart had gone numb, but she couldn’t
understand why. Then the Darkness had entered her mum’s mind, and Kassandra
felt that the etheric bond between them now ran the risk of becoming severed.
She didn’t understand her mother when she was like that. Why had she decided to
join her father in Turin after all that racket?
“But daddy said he didn’t want to see mummy anymore”,
Kassandra said to Lady Hughes, certain that her father was not one to tell lies
and, true to his nature, he had really meant his goodbye this time.
Lord and Lady Hughes were looking increasingly
uncomfortable. Kassandra didn’t mind their tense behavior. She was hungry after
all, and in good company anyway. So she winked at Rufus and shifted her
attention away from the grown-ups, and onto the slice of apple pie with cream
that was staring at her from the plate on the table.
In the meantime, Kassandra’s mother was in a car that
was speeding on the motorway. Letizia’s dad, who was the Morgantes’ accountant,
was driving it. Laura was sobbing uncontrollably, and screaming from time to
“Come on Carlo, hurry up, Lorenzo needs me by his
side. I have to get to the hospital as soon as possible!”
The police had been trying to reach her for the entire
afternoon. In the end, they only managed to get in touch with their accountant,
Carlo Giuliani, who had in turn contacted the Hughes. He guessed that Laura and
Kassandra would probably be visiting their neighbors.
Then Carlo drove to the Asti villa to collect Laura
and take her to the hospital. Lorenzo had been in a car crash. He was in
intensive care, Laura was told. She had to be at the hospital as soon as
possible, to make important decisions as
she was his wife. He was unconscious and in very serious conditions, hanging on
the thinnest thread between life and death. Kassandra was meant to be on that
crashed car too. Lorenzo wanted to take her away that weekend but his argument
with his wife had made him change his plans. Laura felt guilty and in the
deepest despair.
“Breathe deeply, cara
signora. Concentrate on your breath and don’t panic. We’ll be there in 10
As soon as they reached the hospital where Lorenzo had
been admitted, Laura ran to a phone booth. Carlo was surprised to see that she
wasn’t dashing to her husband’s bedside at once.
“She must be calling one of her strange friends”, he
He could only catch a few words of her conversation
before she closed the door of the booth.
“Hi, it’s me. Something terrible has happened to my
husband. I don’t know what to do...”
The handsome man at the other end of the line was
sitting in an office decorated with mystical symbols and trophies. He looked at
his reflection in the mirror and his lips curved into a half-smile. Perhaps
Kassandra was awakening to her True Identity too quickly, he was thinking, for
those around her to keep pace. And no, she wasn’t turning her family and
friends into the best version of themselves at all, as he had feared she could.
Luckily, it was more the opposite – she had ignited her parents’ egos into
“Be strong, Laura. I’ll be there within an hour”.
Back in Arkadia, we, the High Masters, were taken
aback by the recent events brought about by the Dark Side. We were not sure if
we should intervene as yet. Some among the High Ones worried that the days
ahead could bring fear into Kassandra’s still very human heart. This might make
her forget her True Identity for some time. Nobody could predict for how long.
What effect was her oblivion going to have on Arkadia? Would the Council lose
its connection with the little girl? Could she even become vulnerable to the
Dark Forces? The influence of the Circle of Light on Kassandra’s mother was
already stronger than we had expected. Could its power be stretched to embrace
Kassandra at a vulnerable time? Was there anything that we could do to help
Lorenzo? Could we change the course of history now?
Some of us wanted to protect Kassandra. Others thought
that this challenge would only make her stronger. Kyrius and Venusia, her Star parents,
chose not to disclose their feelings and thoughts on the matter, and protected
their auras with a special etheric bubble. The Royal Couple understood why the
element of surprise had been introduced in the life of Kassandra. It was a way
for us Arkadians to learn to return our minds to the One Source and still
believe that the Plan was unchangeable, even in the face of very Earthly
temptation. Temptation, as the root meaning of the word implies, is simply a
time-making mechanism. Arkadia had to accept that time was now required in
Kassandra’s human development, as well as this initiation offered by the
Darkness. We trusted our girl to remember that only love is real and only love can
endure, even when her world was collapsing into debris.
A Metaphysical Bedtime Story, Spring Equinox 1973
Kassandra was five when we visited her one night. She
was lying in bed. A beautiful young woman sat on the chair next to her. An
onlooker would have immediately guessed that they were mother and daughter,
given their likeness and the tenderness of their interaction. The sun had long
set and Comet Kahoutek was blazing its trail through the sky. This astral body
had opened a gate of Cosmic Consciousness to lead the way for a number of
Star-Seeds like her to incarnate on Earth in the five years before and after
its appearance. From the Teleportation Room in the Diamond Lodge, we had
transferred our Light-Bodies to our girl’s bedroom, where we turned invisible.
“Mummy,” Kassandra said, “tell me a story.”
Her tired eyes were fighting against sleep and just
about winning. The dim light of a revolving mobile cast shapes on the ceiling:
butterflies, birds and stars. She loved the stars, this sensitive child.
Despite her tender age, she could name many constellations and loved gazing at
their light in the nighttime sky. She felt connected to her star-kin. They
always made her feel reassured. She knew that she belonged with them.
When she was very, very small, her father had told her
that she could focus on a star to send her prayers out to the angels, and pass
messages on to those she loved. Star-gazing was one of the gifts that he had
left her with, before his disappearance about one year to the night of this
particular visit of ours to Kassie’s bedroom. She still missed her dad
sometimes. His framed photograph was on display on her windowsill, where she
kept it when the weather was dry, in the hope that one day soon, like Peter Pan
returning from Never Never Land, he would also come back from the eternity he
had gone to. She knew that he was never far away from her, although it was
impossible to see him now. In the meantime, she had decided that she wouldn’t
pay much heed to his absence, unlike her mum who wouldn’t think of anything
Kassandra had a new friend anyway, one whom she loved
dearly, despite the fact that no one else knew of his existence. And indeed,
when we arrived in her room that night, we noticed another fuzzy presence,
perhaps of partial Star stock given the strong harmonics of his frequency. Even
we couldn’t perceive his energy in detail. It was clear, however, that he was
somewhat connected to our girl - she called him her invisible friend. But he
wasn’t one of us. We couldn’t linger our focus on him because when we contact the third dimension,
we have to follow the dictates of the Plan. So we proceeded to attend to our
more pressing deed. The bed-time story was about to start now. We had to make
sure that this would be the story that the Star Child needed to hear. We
gathered behind the woman, Kassandra’s mother, as she opened her mouth to
speak. Our thoughts became her voice as she started channeling our words.
upon a time, on a night like tonight,” she
said, “a colony of pioneering souls was
standing in a queue on the Dark Side of the Moon, ready for a big journey. They
had come from afar and had been observing the Earth for quite a while,
preparing to tune into the destiny of the Blue Planet and make it into Paradise.
Sometime soon, the people of the Earth would come face to face with the
otherworldliness of these creatures who resembled humans in their appearance,
were it not for the fact that their features were much more symmetrical and
attractive, and their skin seemed to be flawless. On closer inspection, they
looked like immaterial holograms, as if they were computer-generated,
three-dimensional projected images devoid of materiality but endowed with all
the other characteristics of living beings.
that particular moment, these spirits’ excitement filled the air. The Light
that made up their bodies was bubbly in its radiance. The pregnant, heavy
stillness of the Earth’s atmosphere was new to them. Beat by beat, pulsation by
pulsation, breath by breath, they were trickling closer to the Launcher. They
were lost in contemplation, standing as they were on the verge of new
territory. The void of potentiality was open wide in front of them.
concept of incarnation was amusing. Before long, it would push them to condense
into form, like crystals glistening in the sunshine. They would leave the realm
of ideas to become physical entities. They gazed at the azure, yearning Earth.
It was calling to them. They could still hear the dim hum of the Ancient Tune.
That sound was very familiar. It was their direction. The attraction of matter
and the thought of mortality made them shiver for a second (though strictly
speaking, they were yet to acquire the concept of time and ‘a second’ meant
nothing to them).”
Suddenly Kassandra stirred in bed. “These souls... had
they always been alive or was there a point in time when they were not?”
What an insightful question from the little one.
were immortal,” we said through her mother’s lips.
“And they knew it back then. Their minds
weren’t faltering yet. They couldn’t remember anything apart from eternity. At
that stage in their adventure, they couldn’t forget that they came from another
planet: a different plane that humans, from the Earth’s viewpoint, sometimes
call the Morning Star.”
Kassandra sighed at the last two words, just like only
a Star Girl born to bring our Plan to the Earth could. We had admired how her
progress had gone from steady to remarkable throughout her first few years as a
human. In the past, she could somewhat detect our forms and the content of our
minds. But now she was engaged in a conversation with us, and this was
happening whilst her body was still mostly made up of dense, three-dimensional
cells that clouded the radiations of her Star Seed. Whilst her mother was a
mere channel for our words, the necessary factor in our inter-dimensional
communication was Kassandra’s ability to receive our utterances. It was clear
to us now that Kassandra understood that the tale she was being told was going
in a direction that she was familiar with. She looked reassured and calm.
Through Laura’s hands, we caressed her hair as the story went on.
spirits understood they would not be able to recall their origin any longer,
once they entered the Earth’s atmosphere. Right then, however, they still felt
at one with their Birth Star, filled as they were by a wholeness that could not
be limited by duality or split by gender. They were the One. They were at one
with It All. And that was beautiful, and all was beautiful to their eyes.”
Kassandra thought that she could see them in her
imagination. “They are so pretty...”
“Indeed,” we said. “In their place of
origin all Beings are perfectly formed and in unity with creation. They are
most pleasing to the eye, though comeliness there is not necessarily what
humans consider as fetching. It means being harmonious from the inside out.
These spirits’ outlines contain bright, reverberating cells that gather around
their Cores and project into their radiating shapes. That’s why these
disembodied, Light-speckled Beings resonate to the most exquisite of
frequencies. The sensation of existence from their point of experience is
similar to what humans refer to as love. But unlike the human experience of
love, their perception of it is constant, uninterrupted, undivided. Truly, they
are made of love.”
“I know what it feels like,” Kassandra said, thinking
that she was talking to her mother. “Like when I feel so happy because you’re
baking a yogurt cake and the sun is shining and the birds are singing and the
chamomile flowers smell so sweet!”
exactly it,” we replied. “That’s what being at one with everything is. When all your senses –
your sight, your hearing, your bodily processes and mental expectations - merge
into a blissful, liquid awareness that revolves around your happy heart. Now
let’s go back to these friendly spirits and the place they came from. You
should know that the home they left is the realm of what humans call angels.
These Beings are Pure Thoughts in the Mind of Creation. Their deeds are
perfected to the point that the center of the souls - their Core Signatures -
are always following the ever-changing tides of the Life Force. That’s why they
are immortal.
spirits resonate harmoniously to the beat of love, the Sound that keeps this
Universe together. They don’t perceive themselves as apart from it. Love in
this sense feels more like layers of sounds that create a symphony to the
trained ear: molecules held together by love, shapes formed by love espoused
with intention, entire universes gelled together by the sound of creation, by
the Ancient Tune.”
By that point in the story, our little friend had
given in to deep slumber. It’s remarkable how children can doze off and be
sound asleep in a couple of seconds. Perhaps the information we were conveying
sounded still a bit too far-fetched, and her young Star brain could only
receive it subconsciously. Nevertheless, we continued to relate these memories
of Kassandra’s True Origin, since it is our habit to make the most of our
points of contact on Earth. And anyway, our words would linger in the room for
a few hours, days, months, or even years, until the time would come when Kassandra
would be ready to detect them, and embrace the message that they carried for
spirits had gone through all possible levels of the Goddess Games on Venus,
their native Morning Star. Now they were ready for a challenge. The Earth and
its human inhabitants would provide it, thanks to what was known as the
Experience of Matter, or the Illusion of Separation. They were about to split
their soul in two, forget about one of the resulting two sparks, and play a
sort of ‘hide and seek’ of the True Self, with the Earth as their playground.
kept reassuring themselves that they would remember their True Nature sooner or
later, even in the dense plane of human experience. Those who succeeded could
try to make a new kind of creature. Their ultimate intention was to incarnate
and create a fresh race of higher humans, or human Venusians: perfected human
beings made of a special flesh and blood, capable of self-healing and
immortality by means of correct choice. The only catch in all of this was that
they had to find the right partner, their Twin Soul, and align with them in
order to regain their full powers. A handful of adventurous souls before them
had started the trend, whereby the physical merge of two human souls who could
both hold the Light of the Morning Star had started to create Perfected Beings
even on Earth.
at these point in their adventure, these highly evolved beings waiting for
incarnation on the Moon didn’t yet fully grasp what they were really getting
themselves into. Success rates so far had been dangerously low. The risk of
becoming trapped into matter was real. The peril of forgetting the purpose of
their Earth Journey and falling prey to the Wheel of Karma for many lifetimes
was high on the cards. “Earth angels” had been few and far between: just a
handful every thousand or so Earth years. To make things worse, the outcomes to
date had been frequently either very short-lived, or resulting in ascetic human
creatures devoid of sexuality. Lucifer was one notorious exception, of course.
After all, this ambitious pioneer was the Venusian who had started the Goddess
Games on Earth with his famous ‘fall’. He then made his home there and decided
to linger on. And now he is a well-established presence on the blue planet, and
a very human one at that.
that the ‘making of an angel’ on Earth was no easy task, much pondering and
exploring the concept of ‘life as humans’ had filled these Venusian spirits’
lives, before deciding to give it a try. They hoped that the memory of their
original Light – their frequency signatures – would be enough for them to
remember that they were actually one imagining to become two as a bit of fun.
Matter, however, would prove tricky and sticky. It would provide a completely
new experience for which they had no frame of reference. Hopefully, their
Venusian ancestry could enable them to have human bodies made of a type of
flesh that couldn’t hold on to anything that wasn’t conducive to love, wisdom
and bliss for too long. Nevertheless, they understood that the frequency of
love on Earth was very sluggish and weak, their physical senses would slow down
experience, and the Ancient Tune - the Cosmic Music that holds the threads of
Creation in perfect balance - wouldn’t always be detected. They might fall prey
to the illusion of separation, and feel lost, confused, alone...
to the point where these spirits were lining up for incarnation. Among them was
one who is at the heart of this story. This playful soul was staring at the
Earth, transfixed by surprise and anticipation. So engrossed was she in this
new vision that her essence unexpectedly projected itself in space-time, and
into the realm of matter. Although briefly, and solely through her perception,
this spirit ended up on Earth before having actually entered the Launcher. It
is impossible to tell the length of her visit, given that the spirit had not
acquired the notion of time yet. Did anyone among the Earth’s inhabitants
notice this fleeting visitation? Did her presence on the planet leave a mark,
or an imprint? Did it change someone’s life? And if so, how? Someone was bound
to have sensed this unusual, higher presence.
this uncharted territory, a weird sensation of incompleteness crept in from the
outside and into the spirit’s mind. As she scanned the new surroundings, she
realized something was missing. This made the curious, disembodied visitor want
to loiter on for a while longer. She felt compelled to set out searching for
the absent element, finding novel trepidation and a new sense of pleasure in
tuning into the alien environs. It was becoming obvious to the visitor that in
this new place, perfection wasn’t expressed in stillness but in action: through
flowing, becoming, evolving. How totally different an experience this was from
what life had presented her with, up until then...
before the experience could sink in properly, and in the blink of an eye
(figuratively speaking), this solitary, adventurous spirit was pulled back to
the queue on the Moon. Perhaps nobody had noticed her brief absence, she hoped.
Then the air turned red and vibrant: high time was approaching. This and the
other fellow spirits increased their frequencies. Their orchestral sound turned
deeper, like a drone. The tempo of their Core pulsations quickened. All that these
ground-breaking souls wanted to do was to surrender to the pull of matter, and
follow the change in their frequency signature. After eons of calmness, the
moment had come for them to fall temporarily asleep, and wait for the Big Wave
to cut them in two.
last, they reached and entered the Launcher. Their Cores dissipated into
time-fueled semi-oblivion. Their Light became squashed and compressed into an
egg, and off they went to Earth. So this how the story ends. Just as another
one begins.”
Having accomplished our mission, we left the room and
returned to Arkadia, elsewhere in space and out of time.
Kassandra stirred. “Mummy?,” she said. “Goodnight...”
Her mother awoke suddenly. She had fallen asleep in
her chair. Antidepressants would often make her do that. At least she had not
been crying that day. She sat on Kassandra’s bed, removed an unruly brown curl
from the child’s eyes and placed the whisper of a kiss on her forehead. They
smiled at each other.
“Goodnight, Kassie, sweet dreams.”
The little girl fell asleep again, right away. She
dreamed that she was running with other children on a meadow in bloom, without
a care in the world. A part of her was still like any other child after all.
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