24 January 2017


Waiting for Kassandra - 21 March 2012

When Kassandra landed back on the Hill of Tara in time for her appointment, her girlfriends were already in the souvenir shop adjacent to the cafeteria. The place would normally be packed with visitors in the summer months but it was pleasantly quiet at this time of the year. It was no surprise that Kassie had wanted to meet them there. The three women had a special connection with this ancient site.
Letizia had baptized her firstborn here, according to the Goddess Tradition, on the Spring Equinox seven years earlier. The ceremony had been held on Tara’s holy ground, by the Stone of Destiny. Kassie had officiated the rites, with Polly as the godmother. Letizia had preferred to present her beautiful Daniel to the Mother before his traditional religious christening. Now the trio would be back together, to rekindle their bond as daughters of the Goddess.
Polly and Letizia were excited about that afternoon’s rendezvous. It had been a while since they'd last seen their unconventional friend. Always full of surprises, a year or so earlier she had informed them that she needed to disappear from the social radar for a while. Just like that, out of the blue. Nobody knew where she had been or what she had been up to since. Kassandra was the most unpredictable person they knew. But they trusted her completely with her life choices. No matter how deeply she may end up in the Darkness, love would always sway her back to the Path of Love.
Once again, she had left them in total oblivion of her deeds and given them cause for much speculation. Until a week previously, when she had contacted both friends telepathically, to let them know that she was soon to be back in Dublin and would love to see them on the Equinox. They should be warned, she had added, that the man she loved would be coming along too. "Oh no!!!!" were the words that had screamed in her friends' minds at the last piece of news.
The appointment was at 2 pm. The women had arrived ten minutes early. No sign of Kassandra yet. But she was already at Tara and was now walking away from the sacred spring in the direction of the cafeteria. In the meantime, Letizia was flicking through books on Celtic art. Polly was eyeing the cupcakes and scones on display - any turmoil in her emotions would always command the complete attention of her stomach. She pulled Letizia away from the shelves and into the eating area.    
“Do you think we will still get on with her like in the good old days?”
“Come on, Polly, be a bit more hopeful! It’s only been a year, and she’s just coming out of that strange period of isolation. She’s always been very hard to read, we know. But she’s the most heart-centered person in the world. And she’s perfectly aligned with her True Identity. We can only, as always, get on famously. I am more concerned with Oscar to be honest. He’s the one who seems to lose the plot on a regular basis...”
“Well, let’s see if he turns up at all. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s let her down...”

Polly’s eyes darkened. She went to sit at the table by the window and started studying the trees and berry bushes outside. Nature’s spirits already knew what that afternoon had in store. She wished she could elicit that information in advance. But the only response that came from the world outside was the sound of raindrops falling on leaves.

Rehab,  Dublin,  April 2011

Why had Kassandra disappeared twelve or so months before hers and Oscar’s appointment at the Hill of Tara? Where was she? The setting where we find them  one year earlier is completely different, despite being similarly  set in a green and lush environment. We encounter our couple in the famous Hermitage, the five-star rehabilitation clinic in the south of Dublin where rich and troubled souls the world over come looking for some peace of mind and hardcore detox.
 Oscar has recognized her silhouette straight away as she is heading to sit under the porch in the rose garden. At first, he had tried to hold back for a few minutes before approaching her. His body was hungry for her, of course, and there was nothing he could do about it. But at least the sight of her face can now satisfy his eyes, if only for a stolen while. Kassandra is such a poignant vision of beauty. He wishes he’d brought along his drawing pad and pencils. He can’t really resist that long, can he? So he goes over and sits next to her.
“Is that your journal, Kassie? Are you writing about me?”
Kassandra looks up from the page and her eyes meet Oscar’s grinning face. She smiles and nods at him.
“Well, yeah, I might very well have mentioned you in here,” she winks at him. “It’s a stream-of-consciousness exercise. I like to jot down the random thoughts that emerge in my head-space because sometimes they do take over and rule the entire thinking process. I follow them in writing, to see where they take me, where my imagination is leading me...  there is truth in these words, even when they don’t make much sense. My memories can come across in an erratic manner sometimes...”
They are flirting even under testing circumstances. They are supposed to feel guilty about their liaison, but they don’t. 
“Would you like me to have a look at these bizarre thoughts of yours then? I don’t think they can be any weirder than my own ideas...”.
Kassandra feigns surprise. 
“I didn’t mean to say there is anything strange in what I wrote. This might sound a bit far-fetched perhaps, and I don’t really know the full purpose of this exercise as yet, but anyway, for what it’s worth...”
Oscar puts his hand on Kassandra’s arm. When he touches her, their exchange of energy silences their words for a few seconds. She had been longing for that contact for the past two days. That’s why she had decided to bring her diary along when she went out on her afternoon walk. Oscar is a man of a curious disposition. She was certain that he would stop to inquire about the content of her scribbling.   
“Here, have a look”, she says. “This is the real me, not the woman that these doctors otherwise insist that I am...”
Oscar takes her diary and reads the opening paragraph.
I, Kassandra Morgante, High Master of the Blue Flame, am writing this for you, Oscar O’Leary, with the intention that you will ask me to read it.
“Wow”, he says, and then lifts his eyes from the page to look at Kassandra. She is now laughing.
“It seems that you always get what you want from me, Miss Morgante...”
Kassandra notices that Oscar’s aura is turning to gold too quickly. He isn’t yet ready to absorb the information contained in her words. His passionate, very human nature is still prevailing, which endears him to her even more.
“You can read another couple of sentences, but that’s all...”
“Ok, boss! I’ll read aloud then, until it’s allowed.”
You have found me because I am your kin and True Friend. I am the only woman who can talk to your Star Heart. I will be your direction when you are ready to tap into the deepest part of your heart that calls for healing.
Oscar’s weak heart is racing already. He shouldn’t go any further. So Kassandra places her hands on the following lines of text.
“Stop now, that’s it. You get the gist”.

The journal ends up on the bench. Their tongues start to explore the depths of their mutual longing. Rapture of the senses. Another day in purgatory, which is a good day for them nonetheless.

Kassandra’s Journal (full entry)

9 April 2011
I, Kassandra Morgante, High Master of the Blue Flame, am writing this for you, Oscar O’Leary, with the intention that you will ask me to read it.
You have found me because I am your kin and True Friend. I am the only woman who can talk to your Star Heart. I will be your direction when you are ready to tap into the deepest part of your heart that calls for healing.
One day you will understand why I live the way I do, and you will see the world from my perspective. I am of Venusian stock and I bring good tidings. And you are a true shaman and a gentleman, one whom a Star Woman like myself can’t resist. Your intuition is well developed, and at some level, you remember the true nature of our relationship.
I was born to fulfill a Prophecy and help the evolution of our broken-hearted humankind into a race of immortal beings. You’re not given to know this now, because you can only bear with me to the extent to which your attention can handle my words. But one day soon, you will understand why I can talk to the deepest longings in a woman’s dreams and I can whisper seductive words into the ears of the toughest man, and make his fortress crumble. When my Power will be fully fledged, I will become invincible. We will be invulnerable.
But right now, it isn’t so. And it wasn’t so when I used to be a spoiled brat who was often in denial of the gifts that I was born with. My True Nature only came to the fore when my path crossed yours, Oscar. When we met, I fell in love with the very complex, self-loathing yet generous man that you are. In our encounter, and in the love we made and shared, a new humanity became possible: our own. This is the account of how I learned to love you completely, despite the many obstacles on the way to the fulfillment of our love.
My ancestry is part human and part stellar, much like yours, much like that of all of us on this planet. The difference between you and me is simply that I am programmed to remember my True Identity, and I am willing to share the path that took me there. It is not difficult to find the way back to your True Home and your True Destiny. But it does require some alternative thinking. And memories have to emerge from your own psyche to be original, to be aligned with the One Source. I hope that my presence can engage your attention and help you find your way back to that connection. Our relationship can provide you with a bit of a short cut, with a bridge across dimensions. Our union is a symbol of broader processes going on in the human species at present. 
Don’t listen to what they tell you. There is nothing wrong with the yearnings of your heart, and that feeling of alienation that overwhelms you sometimes. It’s your Star Seed calling you to the Light. But the ego has no use for an enlightened mind. So, as soon as life’s problems present themselves on the path, the human tendency is to lose sight of many aspects of our Souls. They then become Shadow Aspects that need to be expressed. Over time, we forget that they are illusions. Time has the habit of wiping the memory of our True Origin from our mind. But rest assured; your heart never let go of the Truth. I am here to re-awaken the Star Seed in your heart. 
My merge with you, my True Lover, can be read like a fairy-tale in consciousness. It operates on many levels if you decipher the signs accurately. But you must be willing to walk on the Way of the Truth, and unlearn all of the ego’s lies. I know, not all the steps may seem that clear to you, but they are true. And the Truth will always take you Home to Arkadia, the Land of Gods and Goddesses. Arkadia won’t be elsewhere in space and time once you become its living memory. Arkadia will be here, now. Look for parallels between my love for you and how you felt in relation to me. May my story mirror your awakening to your heart’s call. This is the reason why I am starting to disclose it.
I remember, my Friend, that Life on Earth is an adventure in consciousness. Magic and wonder are possible. It takes a little bit of work and lots of enthusiasm. Are you ready to start the journey? It has many endings but just one beginning. Find it, and every step on the path will pan out. Trust me. Let’s go. Again.

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